Keep Hair from Curling with Humidity
Regardless of your hair type, when there’s moisture in the air and you’ve just styled your hair, frizz is always a threat. Creating the foundation for a frizz-free hair routine, seals in the moisture and blocks out the humidity. Just a few tricks of the trade create the barrier you need to protect your hair from the humidity while also giving you the confidence to step out of the house with your hair wild and free even on the most humid of days.
Lock in moisture with a good shampoo and conditioner. If you moisturize your hair with a good shampoo and conditioner, then your hair won’t “puff out” to absorb more moisture from the surrounding air. Dry hair, especially curly hair, needs lots of moisture because it’s on the drier end of the spectrum compared to straight hair. So, if you have curly hair or textured hair, moisturizing is the key to limiting frizz when it’s humid.
Get shampoos and conditioners for your hair type. Shampoos and conditioners are usually labelled and will indicate which ones are appropriate for the different thicknesses (fine, medium, thick/coarse) and textures of hair. Thicker and more textured hair types usually need creamier or thicker formulas.
If you have thick textured hair or really curly hair, deep condition your hair with your favourite deep conditioners. It helps to lock in moisture that textured hair really needs because its drier than other hair types.
Deep conditioning usually entails letting the conditioner sit in your hair for much longer — maybe even an hour. To lock in the moisture from the deep conditioner, put a plastic cap over your head. Then, sit under a hooded dryer. If you don’t have a hooded dryer, use a regular dryer to blast some heat over your head for a few minutes. The heat helps to seal the moisture into your hair.
Squeeze out excess water from wet hair. Don’t ruffle the cuticle by drying your hair with a towel. ]Hair cuticles have lots of ridges. When you ruffle the cuticle by drying your hair with a towel, it rustles up the ridges in the cuticle, making it look rough instead of smooth, which frizzes your hair. Instead of using a towel, squeeze the water out of your hair. If you must use a towel, use a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt to absorb some of the excess water. Both help smooth the cuticle down and limit frizz.
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